34631 Sarah Beth Lane 48152 Livonia, Michigan
734-679-4757 Phone number
34631 Sarah Beth Lane 48152 Livonia, Michigan
734-679-4757 Phone number
WorkSTYLE PROfiler
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Welcome to the WorkSTYLE Personality Tryouts

Welcome to the Personal WorkSTYLE PROfiler


The WorkSTYLE PROfiler takes just 6 clicks to complete. The assessment report provides a close look at your Personal STYLE and TYPE. It offers communication and motivational style preferences and recommendations for how you can be more effective in dealing with people at work and beyond.
IF you find the WorkSTYLE PROfiler process interesting and the report valuable, please contact Dr. Tom Janz, Chief Scientist at PeopleAssessments.com, for further information on how it can be used in your organization. Dr. Janz is a founder of Global Talent Advisors and can be contacted at:  TJanz@PeopleAssessments.com 

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Created to benefit candidates by quickly profiling their personality type and coaching them how to better inform and better influence others. WorkSTYLE delivers a lot of value for a little effort
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